Pope Francis received a ’chotki’ from the Greek Catholic Community: this word designates the rosary of the Eastern Church used for praying the Jesus Prayer. The 100-knot chotki was made for the Holy Father by young people, the master was the cantor of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Debrecen, the lector Máté Lesku, who had prepared around a thousand prayer ropes in the past. For the chotki, a unique giftbox was made by János Szilvási, designed by Sándor Szabó. János Szilvási is also Greek Catholic and, as a bookbinder took on the job of binding gospel books many times. The gift of the Metropolia of Hajdúdorog was handed over to Pope Francis by five children of the Nyirán family, their father, Father János serves as archdeacon at the archdiocese and, after giving the presents, he sang the Ektenia (Litany) of Peace.